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2017-03-22 (7)


A project brief was provided to the group in which the specification for a game revolving around the notion of the Anthropocene and how this can be explored through a digital media platform, or in this instance, video games.


The Client who proposed the project brief was Dr. Joost Vervoort of the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford.



Through the brief, Dr. Vervoort summarises the advantages of developing a game through the Anthropocene can be explored. This includes an ability to playfully and creatively explore potential future scenarios and tackle very real the characterising challenges of the Anthropocene, whilst simultaneously engaging the players in a more proactive gamification of such challenges faced by the Anthropocene through immersive gameplay with real world application.


The key aspect to consider throughout this brief was to develop and produce a game which focused not on the dangers and rising risks due to climate change and various other aspects of the changing world around us. The game focuses on a positive and more desirable, sustainable future without the overwhelmingly disempowering notion of a post-apocalyptic future.

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